Arthritis, Herbs Can Help You To Manage: Here’s How


Arthritis, Herbs Can Help You To Manage: Here’s How

Arthritis symptoms can keep you from going about your everyday activities. The pain and inflammation may still persist despite medical intervention. To get relief, more and more people with arthritis are seeking a natural approach by using herbal remedies.

Certain herbs may have anti-inflammatory properties that can help with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) by reducing pain in all forms of the disease. Still, there is a lack of scientific evidence supporting such claims. Before you treat arthritis the “natural” way, make sure you talk to a doctor first to avoid life-threatening side effects.

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Here are some safe and effective herbs:


Image result for turmeric

Haldi or turmeric is a well-known anti-inflammatory herb. Take it as a decoction twice a day, sipping it slowly while it is still hot. Just add a pinch of Haldi to water, and boil till the water turns a golden haldi color.


Image result for Ashwagandha

This herb has a host of benefits from helping your hair shine, to reducing stress and anxiety. For patients of arthritis, ashwagandha’s ability to reduce inflammation is particularly important.

Musta or nagarmota

Image result for Musta or nagarmotha

Another herb with several benefits. Musta is often used as a diuretic and to prevent intestinal infections. Like Haldi and ashwagandha, it also helps reduce inflammation in the body, which is just what is needed by patients of arthritis.


Image result for ginger roots

Prescribed for sore throats, intestinal gas, and indigestion. Ginger roots also reduce inflammation and improve joint mobility. Boil the ginger roots in water and sip this decoction while it is still warm.

Ksheerabala taila

This oil is composed of three elements – Cow’s milk, a herb named bala, and til oil. This combination reduces the imbalance of air in the body.

What to avoid:

  • Try to reduce your intake of rice, refrigerated and old foods.
  • Irregular eating times.
  • Food combinations like curd and watermelon and meat and milk.
  • Pickles and junk foods.